Author Visit

Ready to schedule an author visit?
Contact Christie Hinrichs at
Author visits are an amazing way to get students excited about reading and writing! Jess loves to share her passion for literature, and as a therapist, she has experience creating programs that are engaging and enjoyable for participants of all ages.
Jess would love to do a FREE 20-minute Zoom visit with groups that have read THE MIRACULOUS, QUINTESSENCE, or THE ADVENTURE IS NOW! These visits are first come, first serve and based on Jess’s schedule. Please use the CONTACT FORM to request a date!
All of Jess’s in-person presentations listed below may be adapted as virtual visits.
The following are presentations and workshops that Jess currently offers. Each presentation can be tailored for the audience’s age group (3rd grade through adults) and needs. Jess is also able to develop a custom program just for your group!
“From Brain to Bookshelf: How an Idea Becomes a Book”
Duration: 60 minutes | Preparation: Read any titles
Curricular Connections: Language Arts, Writing
In this fun and interactive program, Jess will discuss how she became an author, from her early childhood stories through her published books. Students will learn about the writing process, how books are edited, how covers are designed, and much more. Jess will also talk about learning through failing and will motivate students by sharing what everyone with a big goal needs: Perseverance! And, of course, there will be time for Q&A.
“Beginning Your Adventure: A Closer Look at The Adventure Is Now”
Duration: 60 minutes | Preparation: Read The Adventure Is Now
Curricular Connections: Language Arts, Writing, STEM, SEL
This program is perfect following a class or school-wide read of The Adventure Is Now. Jess will talk about the inspiration behind the story, share deleted characters and scenes, and show sketches of the creatures in the field guide. Students will hear about the fascinating research Jess did to create the Lone Island’s unique ecosystem and will have the opportunity to create their own field guide entry. Jess will also share about the story’s video game, Isle of Wild, and talk with students about their own screen time and the adventures they hope to go on. Students will discuss topics including conservation, biodiversity, technology, resilience, courage, and the power of friendship.
“Growing Your Light: A Closer Look at Quintessence”
Duration: 60 minutes | Preparation: Read Quintessence
Curricular Connections: Language Arts, Writing, STEM, SEL
This program is perfect following a class or school-wide read of Quintessence. Jess will talk about the inspiration behind the story, share deleted characters and scenes, and show sketches of the map of Four Points. Students will hear about the astronomy and chemistry research Jess did, including discussions of supernovas, runaway stars, and the periodic table of elements. Students will have the opportunity to discuss which element they would be and why (they can take the quiz on Jess’s website ahead of time!) and will discuss topics like honesty, courage, asking for help, and friendship.
This program often pairs well with Mind Matters (see below), either the short or longer version.
“Finding Your Miracles: A Closer Look at The Miraculous”
Duration: 60 minutes | Preparation: Read The Miraculous
Curricular Connections: Language Arts, Writing, Social Studies, SEL
This program is perfect following a class or school-wide read of The Miraculous. Jess will talk about the inspiration behind the story, share deleted characters and scenes, and show the book cover in its many stages of development. Students will hear about Jess’s research into folklore and global traditions, which led to the creation of Wunder’s journal, the DoorWay House, and the DoorWay Tree. Students will have the opportunity to create their own journal entry, just like Wunder’s, exploring the things in their lives that bring them hope and that connect them to their families and community.
“Growing a Story: Writing Workshop(s)”
Duration: 60 minutes | Preparation: Read any titles
Curricular Connections: Language Arts, Writing
It’s the question every author gets: Where do stories come from? In this workshop, students will hear about Jess’s “seeds of inspiration” and then will explore their own—from memories to art to newspapers to dreams to music. Students will then take these inspiriation seeds and begin to sprout a story of their own using simple, fun writing exercises and techniques.
This workshop can be expanded into multiple sessions.
“Mind Matters: The Power of Stories”
Duration: 10 minutes or 60 minutes | Preparation: Read any titles
Curricular Connections: Language Arts, Writing, SEL
This program be added to another or can stand alone. During this time, Jess will talk with students about how all her characters have to deal with a big life change and how each one handles those changes in their own way. Students will discuss how the characters’ strengths helped them and what they had to learn throughout the course of the story. Jess will also teach a few simple, age-appropriate skills, such as positive affirmations and breathing techniques. Topics discussed will include facing a challenge, dealing with anxious feelings, asking for help, self-care, and resilience.
“Mind Matters: The Power of Stories” (for adults)
Duration: 60 minutes | Preparation: Read any titles
Curricular Connections: Language Arts, Writing, SEL
In this program for adults (educators, parents, youth advocates), Jess will discuss the role of stories in addressing mental health concerns in young people. Jess is a licensed mental health counselor and her books include issues such as anxiety/panic attacks, grief/loss, divorce, and bullying. Participants will explore how stories about these topics can open up conversations, how they give readers the language to express their own feelings, and how they can introduce healthy coping skills. Participants will learn how to connect with their young readers in real, meaningful ways. Jess will also walk participants through the basics of self-care and some simple coping skills.
This program can be tailored to the audience’s specific interests and goals.
Jess is available for panels and presentations. As a therapist, she is able to speak to mental health issues and representation in children’s literature. She is particularly interested in how stories can serve as pathways of understanding and healing. CONTACT her for more information on what she can bring to your event!
A microphone (if deemed necessary for the space/audience size), a projector, and a school laptop. Jess will bring a USB flash drive with her PowerPoint Presentation on it.
Use the CONTACT form to request information on pricing and availability.
Make your author visit worthwhile—have students learn about the books and get excited! Jess will set up a book sale through Author Visit Central. Teachers/librarians will be given PDF flyer with ordering instructions to send home with students. Ordered books will be shipped to the visit location, and Jess can sign them before or after the event. This is an easy, seamless process that schools love!
Go to the PRESS KIT to find downloadable author bio, photos, book info, book cover, contact info, an informational flyer, and a sample press release.
Here are some links with information on planning and making the most of an author visit, including creative ideas for funding and engaging students.
Tips from Scholastic on Planning and Hosting An Author Visit
"I Met A Real Author!" Planning A Classroom Author Visit
Click here to
access my FREE
Virtual Author Visit
Site with teaching
guides, book trailers,
& more interactive

"I loved how Jess spoke with candor and compassion about her journey to becoming a writer, as well as on timely topics around self-care. Her remarks and slides were perfect for our middle school audience!" —Michele Weisman, Founder and Executive Director, MEET THE WRITERS, INC.
"Jess Redman did a fabulous virtual author visit with my book club group. We learned secret, author insider information that we wouldn't have known had we not met with her! Her passion for writing, nature, and people is evident. Her stories are full of just the right mixture of adventure, fun, fantasy, humor, reality, and life."—Valerie DiLorenzo, School Librarian, Rumsey Hall School
"Not only does Jess Redman have a gift for engaging the reader, but she is also so thoughtful, pleasant, and enjoyable to chat with both on the adult/teacher level and the student/reader level. She brings her writing alive through the author visit whether it is in person and/or via Zoom. Always one of my favorite author chats and I know my students feel the same way." —Patrick Andrus, 4th Grade Teacher, Eden Prairie Schools
"Jess's books are filled with hope and wonder and characters to root for! They are reflective of Jess herself—a truly wonderful human being who cares deeply about her audience and creating stories that feed their imaginations and spark their own creativity and curiosity and understanding of others! Jess is an amazing and kind presenter, very attuned to her student audience! Her Brain to Bookshelf presentation was both fun and informative, and most of all it was a total delight for everyone to talk to her about her newest book THE ADVENTURE IS NOW. Everyone has fallen in love with the intrepid Milton P. Greene!" —Joy Preble, Children's Programming Director, Brazos Bookstore
"Jess Redman does a wonderful job of taking the students through the writing process and provides a realistic number of edits she had to go through before her first book was published. The children really like her as a person. She is so excited to speak with students who have questions and comments about her books. Her website is very interactive, her boooks are loved by the students, and I would recommend a visit because she is so personable to her audience." —Annette Burns, 6th Grade Teacher, Springtown Intermediate School