Resources & Fun Stuff!

Welcome to my virtual author visit landing page!
Here you will find the videos, teaching guides, and more that I've been compiling since my first book, THE MIRACULOUS, came out. Resources include:
—Frequently Asked Questions videos
—Book Trailers
—Teaching and Activity Guides
—First Chapter Read Alouds
—Book Talks
—A few more extras and even more on the way!
I hope you and your students enjoy!
*Interested in scheduling an in-person or interactive virtual session? Please contact me! I'm also available to do FREE 20 minute Q&A visits with groups that have read one of my books.

*I made this presentation available to all while schools were virtual, but I have restricted access again. If you've used one of my books as an all-class/grade read, in a book club, or as a read aloud, please contact me, and I can give you access instructions.
How an Idea Becomes A Book
This is the virtual version of the presentation I give during in-person visits. I discuss my origins as a bookworm with a mullet (pics included) and my author journey.
The part most students like most? How much I got rejected!
Your students will learn a little about the writing process, how books are edited, how covers are designed, and more. And I'll share writing tips, including what all writer’s need most: Perseverance!
Frequently Asked Questions Videos
Here are my answers to some of the questions students have asked me over the last few years of school visits. In the general FAQs, I answer:
1. Where do you get your ideas?
2. What does your writing process look like?
3. Do you have another job?
4. What's the best part of being an author?
5. What's next for you?
The book-specific videos are spoiler free but also great for students who have read the books and want to learn a little more!
Teaching & Activity Guides
These guides are aligned with Common Core Standards for 5th grade, but they can be used for grades 3-8. You will find pre-reading questions, questions for each part of the book, big picture questions, and extension activities that include creative writing, research projects, and visual arts.
Book Trailers
Book trailers are a fun way to engage students with a new story! These short videos use cover animation to introduce each book. Your students may enjoy making their own book trailers or checking out other trailers, like those found on Mr. Schu Reads and Macmillan Children's YouTube.
Book Talks
Book talks are another way to introduce students to a story. These are short videos of me sharing about The Miraculous, Quintessence, and The Adventure Is Now in my own words.
First Chapter Read Alouds
Who doesn't like to be read to? Here are the first chapters of THE MIRACULOUS, QUINTESSENCE, and THE ADVENTURE IS NOW.
Extra Fun Stuff!
Take the QUINTESSENCE quiz to learn which of the four elements you are!
You can do it below or go here.
QUINTESSENCE Map of Four Points
THE MIRACULOUS Book Trailer #2
Quizzes, maps, and more! Throughout the spring, I'll be posting a few more videos related to The Adventure Is Now too—specifically about the creatures on the Lone Island and the clues the characters have to solve!